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October 20, 2011 / zendtutorials

Easy installation of Zend Framework on windows

Before beginning coding with Zend Framework, lets install or I should say ‘configure’ it first. Follow the simple steps and get it in working condition in 5 minutes 🙂

1) Download the latest version of Zend Framework from Zend’s official website and select Latest Zend framework full package.

2) Extract the archive on to your computer drive. e.g D:\Zend\

3) Open your php.ini (for WAMP it can be found at “D:\wamp\bin\php\php5.x.x”) and search for “include_path” for windows. Set include path = “Path to your library folder inside Zend”.
e.g ;Windows: “\path1;\path2”
include_path = “D:\Zend\library”

4) Now on the desktop/control panel, right click on “Computer” icon and press “Environment variables” of your system. Click on the PATH system variable and edit two more paths in it:
a)Path to your php 5.x.
b)Path to bin folder inside Zend.
e.g ;D:\Zend\bin;D:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.6;F:\wamp\www

5) Run the zf.bat file in the bin folder and restart your system.

6) Go to cmd and write zf show version. if it will show you the version of zend framework you installed then it is done otherwise check the above steps once more and see the paths you had set.

Note: Be aware that you don’t put extra spaces between the path separator (e.g. D:\Zend\bin; D:\wamp\bin\php\php5.x.x;). I ran into this problem once configuring this amazing PHP Framework

7) Go to your wamp/www folder by cmd
cd wamp/www
then write the command to create the project.

zf create project zftest

Open the wamp/www folder and you will get a project of zftest.

Till then happy configuring Zend

Any suggestions or comments are most welcome from the community.

Sonam Ahuja

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